Tech Solutions Hub

Our Web application Development includes custom web app development, job portal web app development and web apps for property businesses, E-commerce and other solutions for various industries. Our top-notch back-end development integrated with an eye-appealing front-end, streamlines the user experience to maximize your impact. Our best web development services make us stand out in the market.

Custom Web Development Service

We provide unmatchable custom web development services. With a team having years of expertise in transforming the traditional web solutions to modern cross-platform technologies, Lise Info Tech stands as the best custom web development company in India. Businesses today need customized web solutions specially catered to satisfy their customer needs. Experts at Lise Info Tech have deep expertise in understanding the agile methodology and working with cutting edge tools to leverage the power of technologies.

E-Commerce Development Service

The E-commerce market is all time flourishing and has numerous opportunities. We at Lise Info Tech have deployed multiple E-commerce development projects in recent times. Our team of developers has helped over thousands of business owners with unique and stunning E-commerce development services. Hire the top developers of the industry with Lise Info Tech to fulfill your need for E-commerce development solutions. Our developers easily integrate multiple payment gateways and include interactive product pages to ensure that your users enjoy at your E-commerce store.

CMS Development

We provide extensive services for the development of Content Management Solutions. With more than 10 years of Experience, our CMS developers are highly skilled in developing user-centered CMS Development. In this data-driven world, content management plays an important role in the growth of any business. We have developed CMS platforms for managing the enterprise content and also individual content for small businesses and large enterprises. Hire the Best CMS Development Experts of the industry with MavenCluster. Some distinguishable features are:

Frontend & Backend Development

We provide interactive front-end development services backed up by solid back-end development. User experience has been re-defined with outstanding Frontend development services. Our industry experts at MavenCluster have 10+ years of experience in Frontend and Backend development. We have provided exceptional designs and robust backend services that are flexible to the ever-evolving the technical world. MavenCluster provides a variety of backend services to support apps of your partners and third-party integrations. Hire the leading Frontend and Backend development company in India.

IT Staff Augmentation

Advantages of our Staffing services As your business grows, the need for technology experts who are flexible with the changing technical topology is needed. We closely understand your requirement and provide you with everything that helps you overcome the technical challenges and staffing constraints to lead you to business acceleration. We work with the Top IT Talent to provide the speed and flexibility your business needs to scale quickly and build tech-driven competitive advantages.

What is staff augmentation?

IT staff augmentation refers to a business strategy where a company hires external IT professionals or specialists on a temporary basis to supplement or extend its in-house team. The goal of staff augmentation is to address specific skill gaps, handle temporary increases in workload, or bring in expertise for short-term projects.

Key characteristics of IT Staff Augmentation


It can be a cost-effective solution compared to hiring permanent employees, especially for short-term projects or when specific skills are only needed temporarily.

Specialized Skills

Organizations can quickly access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house, enhancing their ability to tackle specific projects or challenges.


Staff augmentation allows companies to scale their IT teams up or down based on project needs, reducing the financial and administrative burden of maintaining a large, permanent workforce.

Knowledge Transfer

IT staff augmentation can facilitate knowledge transfer between external experts and internal teams. As external professionals work closely with the in-house staff, they can share their knowledge, best practices, and insights.

Reduced Admin Burden

The staffing agency typically handles administrative tasks such as payroll, benefits, and HR responsibilities, allowing the client company to focus on its core business functions.

Rapid Deployment

External IT professionals can be brought in quickly, reducing the time it takes to initiate and complete projects.